
Showing posts from May, 2022

Susie Reaches Out

  Susie does not live in a big house on a pretty street, but she is rich. She is rich because she is a child of God, and God owns   the whole   world. The kids on Susie's block are not very kind. Some of them are rough and not always clean. They do not always use good language. The members of Susie's family always keep themselves and their house very clean. Their conversation is gentle and clean, too. Susie does not think that she is better than the other kids. Her parents have taught Susie about Jesus by their words and actions. They have taught her that her neighbors need Jesus, too. Susie loves Jesus so much that it spills over in love for others. She shows them she is their friend by being cheerful and kind to them. She talks about Jesus as if  He were  one of her family. She doesn't "preach" and tell the kids how bad they are. No, she talks about how good God is. She shares her mother's yummy oatmeal cookies. She is a good sport when they play games. Susi...